Sunday, November 16, 2014

Book: Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas

Well here I am again, reading yet another book from the Throne of Glass series. The books are so entertaining and I find my self attached to the characters and I'm in need of knowing where they end up. I'm currently on page 83 of this 565 page book. It is very big and it adds a lot of weight to my already heavy backpack. But I can't stop reading- even though I find Celaena's constant problems and depression quite frustrating. Is it just me, or are third books just always more depressing then the rest?
This book starts out with Celaena all alone in a new setting we haven't been introduced to in the previous books. Her loneliness and depression are taking over and I'm wondering when it will end, and how she will get over it. To give you a little feel of the negativeness here is a quote from page 65. It says, "So Celaena turned away from the stars, nestling under the threadbare blanket against the frigid cold, and closed her eyes, trying to dream of a different world. A world where she was no one at all."
Sarah J. Maas is a very descriptive and creative writer, but I just want something good to happen. Or something happy would be nice for just a little bit. I feel similar to how Mrs. Bross feels about the Maze Runner. It currently doesn't have much relief. But maybe more will come, I am only on page 83 after all.
But now that I am on the final book of this series, I have no idea what I am going to read next! Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of this series before and I'm so happy I came across your blog! I'll definitely have to read this series next. Have you looked into Fallen Kingdoms by: Morgan Rhodes? I have not yet read this book, but I've heard many positive things about this book and it seems similar to Throne of Glass.
