Sunday, September 28, 2014

Book: Crown of Midnight by Sarah J Maas

I'm not going to lie, sometimes it can be a little embarrassing pulling out this book and reading in class. The cover does get some judgement with the flames and swords and stuff. Not exactly my usual type of book. But it's super good and makes me wan't to keep on reading.

When I was reading my book, a description stood out to me and I think it is example of really good writing. I struggle with/do not understand how to describe sound in a good way to let the reader hear what you want them to hear. But, in this description Maas did it in a way that stood out to me and made me mark the page.

"After a few notes the rhythm established itself, followed by the slow, sad sweep of the violin. They wove together, blending, lifting up, up, up until Rena opened her mouth. And when she sang, the whole world faded. Her voice was soft, ethereal, the sound of a lullaby half remembered."(Maas 117)

I think this does a good job of setting the mood and helps you feel the stillness and the held breaths of the people listening to the beautiful music. It goes on describing in really good detail the songs and the ball. Sarah J. Maas does a really good job of creating imagery and makes you feel like you are watching a movie when you are reading.

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